
Showing posts from August, 2014

Saturday 30th August 2014

In 'The Allotment' (David Crouch and Colin Ward) - Chapter 2: Cultural Landscapes and freedom - 'Fields, plots and people' there is an expression of a Utopian vision, in which John Seymour is cited as arguing for a 'peopled landscape in terms of Kropotkin's argument for a use of land in which people control their own lives and the landscape they create' - the cutting up of 10,000 acres of exhausted farm land into a thousand plots of 10 acres each; and each plot to be occupied by a family trained to use it. In 10 years, he asserts, the landscape would be transformed from the indifference of mono-culture to one of 'happy and healthy' multiplicity. (p.37) 

Field Study's Man in E11 contemplates a pseudopian twist in the Utopian visual field

I arrived at 'pseudopia' by applying some Venn and artless psycho-maintenance to our days in the field. We would like this field study to be a Utopian project however it soon became clear that our vision is misinformed (and disinformed) by a trinity and triumvirate of hallucination, illusion and delusion. It is unlikely there will be any genuine radical and social transformation in our project unless we attempt a deconstruction of those three phenomena, which are vaguely employed and all too often confounded. The prospect of a deconstruction of distraction found me out of my depth and floundering in the mediocrity of my critical faculties. Field Study's Man in E11 complained I have made a wholesale (and retail) liberal capitulation to capitalism. I retorted he had made a serious omission in not prefixing liberal with neo-. 'You are such a pseudo', he replied. I tried to negotiate the fading transition from psycho- to pseudo and gave up, all most. FSMiE11, det...

Friday 29th August 2014


Thursday 28th August 2014


Wednesday 27th August 2014


Tuesday 26th August 2014


Monday 25th August 2014


Sunday 24th August 2014

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