from, 'The Wormholes of Ceres'.
Field Study's Man in E11 traverses the allotment via 'The Wormholes of Ceres' and recreates a plot of wriggling viccissitudes and muddy factoids. Earthworm casting - 22/2/15 I was abandoned in the remote and adipose constellation of, ‘The Humming Garden of Vulpecula’. I have no idea how long I languished there in the putrefaction of its mushy science fiction. I assume I was there to study the cosmic significance of the decaying field of a buried fox. While I was immersed in that field, ambiguities of time and temporality – of Chronos and Kairos – played on my mind. I think they still are. It is possible I became a subject of study by mysterious forces acting through the reservoir of the vulpine corpse. It is a sad fact and an equally sad fiction that I am a character issued forth from the mind of Julian Beere. Had I been out of the mind of, say, Stanislaw Lem, I, Field Study’s Man in E11, could be, instead, ‘Dr. Kris Kelvin’, from the novel, ‘Solaris’. ...